April 1, 2020
I hope everyone is healthy. We miss everyone and wish for your time with your families to be fun and productive.
Here are McPherson County Schools’ plan for online learning starting April 6th until May 14th. All assignments in the four core areas (Math, English, Science and Social Science) will be graded. Every Tuesday and Thursday new assignments will be given in these content areas. Students will have from Tuesday to Tuesday and from Thursday to Thursday to complete assignments. All assignments will need to be turned in by noon on Thursday May 14, 2020. This is so teachers may grade assignments and turn in grades. All other non-core classes will have suggestions of enrichment activities that students may or may not do. These enrichment activities will not be graded but could be some fun activities to help students fill their time if they or their parents choose.
Elementary students will have their assignments provided for them through SeeSaw. Please have students check on the McPherson County webpage (mcstryon.org) to find explanations for the students and parents to view. (SeeSaw tutorial and MCES teachers). Please have your elementary child(ren) check their email a couple of times a week. (firstname.lastname@mcstryon.org)
High School Students will have their assignments provided for them through Canvas, Schoology, and Google classroom. These are the platforms that the students have been using all year long. Please check on the McPherson County Webpage and your emails for notification from your teachers.
Special Education services including Speech/Language, OT and Vision will be provided via Zoom or phone calls. Services will be provided based on student IEPs and appropriate comparable percentages. Parents will be consulted to develop amendments to IEPs that will be in effect for the Covid-19 event duration. At this time Prior Written Notice (PWN) of the changes will also be developed. Parents will receive copies of the amendments and PWN free of charge.
Please if you have any questions call your child’s teacher, me or Mr. Jeppson. School (308-587-2262) Mrs. Brownfield (402-617-1005) Mr. Jeppson (308-874-4493) Mrs. Anderson (308-249-1228)
Respectively, Educationally yours,
Deb Brownfield Dana Jeppson