So proud of OUR girls! Played hard & as a team! Watching them rise together is AMAZING! #weareONEFAMILY Coach Melvin & Badje
over 6 years ago, Meka Melvin
MCHS 13 Hyannis 25. Good job tonight Longhorns! KF
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
MCHS 15 Hyannis 25
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
MCHS 25 Hay Springs 21. Great job Longhorns! KF
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
MCHS 25 Hay Spring 12
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
Congratulations to our new Student Council President Alexx Starr and Vice President Jency Starr on today's election victory!
over 6 years ago, Mr. Blomstedt
In Social Sciences, we look to our past to improve our future.
over 6 years ago, Mr. Blomstedt
Explore Social Sciences
2018 fall activities are starting!
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
Excited for our newest set of instruments!
over 6 years ago, Joseph Jensen
ukulele time for Junior High band.
The Lady Longhorns will be on the court tonight! There is not a more determined group of young women ready to show All fans how hard they have prepared. Good luck to you all. Great job to coaches Melvin and Badje. I am so proud of you all. Mrs. Brownfield
over 6 years ago, Deb Brownfield
The students are enjoying the new flexible seating in my classroom! ~ Mrs. Connell
over 6 years ago, Renee Connell
Flexible seating
Mr. Blomstedt's American Government class came to the 5th and 6th grade classroom to demonstrate how to properly handle the American flag. Students were able to practice unfolding and folding the American flag.
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Badje
Unfolding the flag
Folding the flag
Lady Longhorns take on Hay Springs & Hyannis, Thursday at Hyannis. Games start @ 6 & 7 pm ct. Come support OUR kids! #weareONEFAMILY
over 6 years ago, Meka Melvin
Homecoming dance in Stapleton on Saturday! Pizza will be available. Cost to go to the dance is $3 per person or $5 per couple.
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
A little Hoop Hop Showdown between the 3rd and 4th graders.
over 6 years ago, Meka Melvin
Hoop Hop
Hoop hop
First day of Coding Class and we are really excited.
over 6 years ago, Deb Brownfield
Thanks to all of the parents who showed up at Back to School Night. McPherson County Longhorns are always well supported by our parents and families. Deb Brownfield
over 6 years ago, Deb Brownfield
Great turnout out for our "Welcome Back to School!"
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
Hitting the court hard!
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
Hitting the court hard!
Please follow the link to order your Thunder Football gear!
over 6 years ago, Renee Connell
Thunder Football