Another strong week of activities and opportunities for our students and staff!
The McPherson County 7th grade English class finished their novel presentations this week. They are now working on their Greek mythology movie/short story assessments with puppy encouragement and snuggles.
The Freshman class working on their cribbage and math skills.
Photography students working on skills on how to create a great picture with the correct exposure.
Link for Online Order Form:
The McPherson County FFA will be holding their 2nd annual FFA Valentine's Day Candy Grams to help the students at our school celebrate Valentine’s Day! All proceeds will go to benefit the MCHS FFA Chapter. Forms are DUE WITH PAYMENT to the high school office or Ms. Choat by February 4th!
Delivery will be Monday, February 14th.
For questions contact Miss Choat at or call McPherson County School at 308-587-2262.
Wishing You a Happy Valentine’s Day! -McPherson County FFA Chapter
Pie earners this month! Enjoy your yummy pies and good job! Keep up the hard work!
Good morning! Below is some information about the annual McPherson County Spelling Bee.
Dear Parents,
The annual Spelling Bee for grades 3rd-8th will be held Feb. 2, 2022. Students in those grades will take a written test that morning. The top two spellers in each of those grades will advance to the oral contest that will be held that afternoon.
The oral contest will be held in the high school gym. It will begin at 1:30p.m., and the public is invited to attend. The winner will advance to the State Spelling Bee. We hope to see you then.
Thank you,
Mrs. Lovitt
Link for Online Order Form:
The McPherson County FFA will be holding their 2nd annual FFA Valentine's Day Candy Grams to help the students at our school celebrate Valentine’s Day! All proceeds will go to benefit the MCHS FFA Chapter.
Forms are DUE WITH PAYMENT to the high school office or Ms. Choat by February 4th!
Delivery will be Monday, February 14th.
Wishing You a Happy Valentine’s Day!
-McPherson County FFA Chapter
Another great week at McPherson County school!
8th grade students are learning about agricultural entrepreneurs. In particularly, they watched a short documentary about Orville Redenbacher while enjoying his brand of popcorn.
2022 Speech Updates:
February 12th- North Platte Speech Competition
February 19th- Ogallala Speech Competition
February 21st- MNAC
February 25th- North Platte Speech Competition
February 26th- Maxwell Speech Competition
Speech Districts -TBA
McPherson Counts Schools was able to add calming sensory areas in both the high school and elementary buildings thanks to a generous grant from the Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation John Russell Applegate fund.
The English department and the McPherson County students want to thank The John Russel Applegate Foundation for our new Smartboard. We purchased it with the funds received through a grant from the John Russell Applegate Fund administrated by the Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation.
The Nebraska State Nursing Convention will be held in North Platte on February 5th. This is a great opportunity for any high school student that is interested in the health field. Register online at
Another packed week. We are testing at the high school this week. Make sure your student is eating healthy and getting plenty of rest.
Here are the shoebox stores that our Marketing students completed. I thought they did an excellent job.
Apple Store - Nastacia & Ethan
Nike Store - Kinnley & Dayton
GameStop - Stephanie & Cash
Congratulations to the following students for making Quarter 2 and Semester 1 Honor Roll. Way to go!!!
Due to the temperature and wind chill, McPherson County Schools will have a late start on Thursday, January 6th.
Due to the weather there is NO practice today, January 5.
Happy New Year! I wanted to send out a reminder that Wednesday, January 5, 2022 will be an early out at 1:00 pm. Our staff has a professional development. The bus will run accordingly.