Some HS FFA and all 7th & 8th grade students will attend EDGE conference on Monday, Sept. 27 in North Platte. A permission form has been sent home with students which provides more information and a signature portion that needs to be signed and returned to Miss Choat by Friday, Sept. 24.

Remember parents’ night is tomorrow night, 9-23-21, for high school football only. Volleyball and cross country will be October 19.

The McPherson County HS students enjoyed their educational trip to Kearney last week. They had the privilege of watching the Crane River Theater perform the play "The Miracle Worker." This play was about the life of Hellen Keller, the first deaf and blind person to earn a BA degree. After the play, they had a guided tour of the Rail and Trails Museum, where they learned some interesting historical facts, toured the depot, the train on-site, and the livery barn.

Just a reminder that MAP testing starts Wednesday, September 22 and Thursday, September 23 for grades 7-12. Get plenty of rest tonight!

Full time K-12 Secretary position is available at McPherson County Schools in Tryon, Nebraska. Job consists of a wide array of office duties including assisting the Superintendent, Human
Resources and assisting the bookkeeper. 40-hour week with paid holidays, paid family medical and dental insurance, retirement, sick and vacation days. Pay is $13-$15 per hour based on experience. Can start as soon as Oct. 11th. Must be able to multitask, take direction and work well with people. Send cover letter,
resume and 2 references to tvanderheiden@mcstryon.org or call McPherson County Schools for an application at 308-587-2262.

Here is what is happening this week!

Jr high van leaves MCS at 11:45 to meet Stapleton bus at Cody park at 12:30 on Monday, 9-20-21, for their games in Maxwell.

Happy Friday! Just a reminder that Monday, September 20 is Parent/Teacher from 1-6 pm. If you cannot make it you may contact your child’s teacher and set up another time.

Tonight’s volleyball game

A reminder that Prarie Hills Cafe will be closed tomorow (Friday). Please make sure your child brings a lunch to school. Thank you!

High School students in grades 9-11 will be taking the MAP assessments next week on Wednesday and Thursday!
Please remind students to get a good nights sleep and breakfast.
Students, make sure your computers are charged!!!

The Elementary Book Fair is going on right now until September 22nd! It will be open before and after school each day and during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday. Come check out some of these awesome titles!

Braden and Brayden have earned pie already this year for completing a slice of their ALEK's pie in math. Enjoy, boys!

McPherson County HS students are on their way to The Crane River Theater to see "The Miracle Worker," which is Hellen Keller's life story.

A few quick reminders for tomorrow's trip to the Crane River Theater:
Students do not need to bring money. There is lunch provided for them.
The bus leaves school at 7 a.m., and we will stop at Cody Park at 7:30 to pick up North Platte kids.
We will be back to Tryon by 3:00 p.m.

Here is what is happening at McPherson County this week

Just a reminder, 9-13-21, students in grades 9-12 will be going to Kearney to the Crane River Theater Company to watch "The Miracle Worker." They will return around 3:00 p.m.

Cross Country van will leave Tryon tomorrow morning, 9/11/21, at 7:00 am. Mr. Vanderheiden will be taking them over to Stapleton to meet their bus.

Just a friendly reminder that we do have school on Monday the 13th. Parent teacher conferences will be held on Monday, September 20th instead. No school on the 20th.

8th graders starting their still life drawings in art class today.