#MCSFFA watch Nebraska FFA Live on Facebook tommorow as new state officers are announced. On May 20-21 the state officers will also give retiring addresses and recognize State Degree recipients. Stay tuned for more announcements as they become available.
Here is a little "Thank You" video made by students of McPherson County. Enjoy!
Just a reminder I need students for a project! Check your school email for details and get back to Mrs. Florea! I promise this will not take a lot of time. Let me know today!
Congratulations to Jency Starr on her awards from the FBLA State Leadership Conference. She also received her America Award which she would have received at the National Leadership Conference this summer in Salt Lake City.
Hey McPherson County students and families! I would like to do a little project, please email Mrs. Florea for further details by Friday, April 24th. My email is kflorea@mcstryon.org
Thank you!
Here is the link to the informational letter we sent home with the students' computers. I wanted to post this letter to the elementary students in case the letter was misplaced. Please contact your teachers if you have any questions or if you would like to talk to them. Also, check your email accounts. To check your email, click the email button in the top right corner. Or click on the nine dots in the top right corner and find the gmail symbol in there.
#mcstryon https://youtu.be/V3KD-7C5WzU should get you to a video that is an update of our plants students have started in the Ag Education program. If the link does not show up copy it and past it into your browser. This is a kid safe site.
#mcstryon # MCSFFA here is a short update on the plants some of our students started before their extended break https//youtu.be/V3KD-7C5WzU
#MCSFFA congratulations to Theresa Ascherl earning her State FFA Degree, she put a lot of time and energy to earn this. Sorry we could not celebrate this at state convention.
From the NSAA office:
All remain From the NSAA office ing NSAA activity practices and competitions, including district and state competitions, have been cancelled for this school year. These cancelations are part of a new Directed Health Measure issued by Governor Ricketts.
Bylaw 3.2.7 (Summer Activities) will go into effect on May 26th. In the interim, Bylaw (School-Year, Out-of-Season) is expected to be followed by all member school athletic programs.
The NSAA continues to encourage all member schools to follow CDC, local, state and federal health department recommendations.
The May 1st Transfer List deadline remains unchanged.
Any further official updates will be posted on the NSAA website and the NSAA social media platforms.
#MCSFFA today our chapter will be recognized by NEFB as a leader in the Connecting Chapters program @ https://www.facebook.com/events/15663382822898 @ 4:30pm
Please vote!
Hi, I hope everyone is staying healthy! Here are the numbers of the companies that are providing free or upgraded internet service for on line school. Allo 308-532-1400 Charter 866-874-2389
Great Plains 855-853-1483
Mrs. Brownfield
If any junior high or high school students left items at Stapleton, please contact McPherson County school office so we can get a list together and get your items from Stapleton. Please do this as soon as possible because we will get stuff from Stapleton on Wednesday so we can have it ready for pickup on Thursday with the rest of students belongings.
Teachers are working hard to get online learning up and going!
If your elementary students need some activities for PE, I posted some on my website. Go to mcstryon.org home page, then click under menu, staff pages, find my picture and click on my weebly website. Once on my site, go to the PE page. There are lots of activities and I will add more throughout the year. Feel free to share your pictures with me! I would love to post them on the website. Miss all of you!
Mrs. Florea
Here is a video update from the Superintendent regarding our plan moving forward. Stay tuned for more information!
We miss you guys! Call, text, or email us if you need someone to talk to.
Here is some information on receiving free meals.
Oh the naughty Leprechaun was at it! He wasn’t fooled by the coins left on the students desks. Maybe next year he will be nice!