ATTENTION FFA Members: Due to the forecasted weather and wind chill, we will not be attending NCC-The Classic in Kearney on Feb. 22, 2023!
about 2 years ago, Evey Choat
National FFA Week Theme: FFA Alumni Day McPherson County FFA Chapter is proud to be part of the over 850,000 FFA members who belong to one of 8,817 local FFA chapters throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, who are grateful for the opportunity, support, and network all that National has provided us with. To celebrate FFA Alumni Day, our Chapter would like if you were a former FFA member to share the impact FFA made on you and a piece of advice for current members in the comments! Video Summary:
about 2 years ago, Evey Choat
The McPherson County Speech Team attended the Elm Creek speech competition on Saturday. All the students did a phenomenal job! They showed up, did their best, and represented our school and community well. Isaac and Rachael brought home second place in the novice duet division.
about 2 years ago, April Gaedke
Rachael Kemp and Isaac Goosey
Katherine Anderson, Levi Goosey, and Brooklynn Fisher
Speech Team
Speech Team
Please share with all of your friends. We would love to teach your Kindergartner next school year. Come see what it is all about this Thursday at McPherson County Schools! Remember option enrollment ends March 15th!
about 2 years ago, Kami Florea
National FFA Week Theme: National Days of Service FFA has a heart for service, so what better way to celebrate FFA than by doing a service project during National FFA Week National Days of Service? Learn more about FFA National Days of Service at VIDEO SUMMARY: What is your chapter doing to serve your community? National FFA President Andrew Seibel shares ideas on how to serve and advocate!➢
about 2 years ago, Evey Choat
Boy's basketball. Please be at MCS by 3:50 for a ride to Stapleton to catch the basketball bus.
about 2 years ago, Kami Florea
Students get a little break this week with no school for K-12 Monday, and elementary, K-6, out Tuesday also. Enjoy it kids!
about 2 years ago, Kami Florea
National FFA Week! Theme: SAE Sunday Through a supervised agricultural experience (SAE), members are able to pursue their passions in agriculture through hands-on learning, real-life experiences and develop skills that will prepare them for a career in agriculture. These quick-turn projects by FFA members can have a lifelong impact. Learn more about SAEs at Check out some members' impactful SAEs to genereta inspiration at SAE Sunday Video:
about 2 years ago, Evey Choat
McPherson County FFA Chapter is celebrating National FFA Week, and you should too! Each year, FFA chapters around the country celebrate National FFA Week. It's a time to share what FFA is and the impact it has on members every day. Check out the "We are FFA" video: A couple FFA members kicked off National FFA Week attending NCC-The Classic Livestock Judging Contest on Saturday, Feb. 18.
about 2 years ago, Evey Choat
Ashton Lambert & Toby Sward
Ashton Lambert & Toby Sward
Toby Sward
Toby Sward
Toby Sward
Ashton Lambert
Ashton Lambert
Congratulations to our contestants and winners of today's Spelling Bee. Tobias Sward was the champion and Ashlynn Waddell was runner up. Tobias will represent McPherson County in Omaha this spring.
about 2 years ago, Kami Florea
spelling bee
spb winners
The Juniors built a model of a double helix DNA molecule and recognized the relationship between base pairs of molecules and chromosomes with the use of marshmallows and licorice. We called it “Build your model and eat it”
about 2 years ago, Christine Dawn Hermoso
Sorting the marshmallows
Braden starts building his model
There you go Katherine! Finish product
They both proud of their work!
The top two finalists in each grade of the written portion for the McPherson County Spelling Bee are as follows: 3rd Grade- Bryson Phelps and Scarlet Waddell 4th Grade-Archie Fisher and Ashlyn McNutt 5th Grade-Journey Brannan and Ashlynn Waddell 6th Grade-Alexander Anderson 7th Grade-Zoey Gardner and Carsyn Gragg 8th Grade-Ashton Lambert and Tobias Sward The oral portion of the Spelling Bee begins at 1:30 pm today. Come and support these students and Good Luck!
about 2 years ago, Meka Melvin
Each year, FFA chapters around the country celebrate National FFA Week. It’s a time to share what FFA is and the impact it has on members every day. What better way to show your support of FFA than to get involved in FFA Week? Whether it’s in person, on the phone or via social media, be sure to share your FFA stories during #FFAweek! Feb. 18-25, 2023. Check out what the McPherson County FFA Officer Team planned.
about 2 years ago, Evey Choat
Good luck state wrestlers and coaches in Omaha! 100 pound weight class Aubree Stutzman, 120 weight class Saije Phelps, and 155 weight class Mariah Duran. We will cheer loudly!
about 2 years ago, Kami Florea
The MCS Juniors uses flame tests and the colors produced by alkali, alkaline earth, and other metal atoms by using bunsen burner.
about 2 years ago, Christine Dawn Hermoso
Kaden taking notes while observing the colors
Katherine would like to see different colors
Braden got the green light! Cool!
Pink like fireworks too
Don't forget to come support our students at the local Spelling Bee! We will also have a Title I informational meeting for parent's with kiddos in grades K-6 following the contest.
about 2 years ago, Kami Florea
Support our local ✨McPherson FFA Chapter ✨with their fundraiser (Butter braids, Pastry Puffins, Cake Rolls 🍰and Cookie Dough🍪). If you haven't tried these, you are definitely missing out! The Butter Braids and Pastry Puffins are one of a kind and cannot be found in stores! Contact any FFA member to place an order! Order forms are due, Friday, Feb 24! Orders are scheduled to be delivered March 27!
about 2 years ago, Evey Choat
Help send off our State Wrestler and coaches! See you McPherson County High School at 12:50 on Wednesday.
about 2 years ago, Kami Florea
state wrestler
The speech team competed at North Platte on Saturday. The Blue and Gold Competition was a huge meet hosting over 30 teams and almost 500 entries. Our OID team Rachael Kemp, Levi Goosey, Katherine Anderson, and Saije Phelps, made it to the final round; they ended up taking 5th place. All of the speech kids worked very hard and have had immense growth since our last competition. I'm excited to see how they do at Elm Creek this Saturday.
about 2 years ago, April Gaedke
Receiving 5th Place Medals
Waiting For Awards
On Stage
Another week of wrapping some winter activities up. Come out and support these students. Also, we will do a state wrestling send-off on Wednesday, February 15th @ 12:50 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Kami Florea
NAAG S2 Wk-7 2023