Last week the Junior High quiz bowl team competed at the ESU 16 meet in North Platte.
Better late than never! Here are the March pie earners in their ALEKS math!
Better late than never! Here are the March pie earners in their ALEKS math!
Spring is moving along. Many activities this week. We are testing, students need healthy foods and plenty of rest to do their very best!
The sophomore class attended the 13th annual "Youth and Science Field Day" at the UNL West Central Research and Education Extension Center in North Platte on Monday April 4th. Students were introduced to a variety of topics in both agricultural and biological sciences such as riverbed erosion, pest prevention, ruminant digestion, and entomology.
Good morning! Health screenings for students in K-4, 7th, 10th will be Monday, April 11. Letters with information were sent home with students last week. If you chose for your child not to participate, please return the bottom of the letter and documents by April 8.
Don't forget early dismissal on Wednesday!
FFA members competed in the Frontier County CDE invite.
JH and HS students competed in the Stapleton Quiz Bowl invite!
Food science students have been learning how sensory evaluation impacts peoples food preferences. They have identified their food preferences and a parents’ preferences, identified aromas. Students participated in a taste test panel to evaluate aroma, color, texture, flavor, carbonation on samples of chocolate chips, crackers and coke products. They then baked a real apple pie as well as an imitation apple pie in order to illustrate how human senses are limited and easily fooled.
The eggs 🐣 hatched this past week and students were able to enjoy the results from the embryology project!
McPherson County FFA students had the opportunity to attend a Tri-City Storm hockey game on their Ag Night!
Thank you to Chance Schilling with FNBO for coming to speak to agriculture education and business/marketing students about the financial side of businesses as well as career opportunities.
Congratulations to the McPherson County High School Quiz Bowl team for receiving Runner-up at the ESU16 meet and therefore qualifying for the State Quiz Bowl Competition!
The sophomore just finished up studying King Arthur. Their favorite part of this unit was making their coat of arms to represent their family.
Things are moving right along this final quarter. Testing is starting, so please make sure your child is getting plenty of rest and good nutrition to boost that brain power!
Another hands on day of learning about embryology for 5th, 6th, and 9th! Thanks Amber Willard!!
Remember, no elementary K-6, March 21. Starting to gear up for a busy spring!
Congratulations to Saije on your speech season. Keep growing and working hard.
Into to Ag students have partnered with the 5th & 6th grade classes and we have had Amber Willard with the NE 4-H Extension provide lessons about embryology. Each classroom has been incubating eggs. Today students had the opportunity to learn about embryo development and then were able to candle the eggs.