A reminder that tomorrow, March 17th, we will be doing a State Speech Send off for Saije, Coach Gaedke and Coach Weideman at 12:50 p.m. in the gym. Everyone is welcomed to come and wish her good luck! She performs at Kearney High on March 18th at 8:30am, 10:30 am, and 1:00 pm.
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
speech announcement
Ag education students had the opportunity to meet and network with Gracie Schneider, a 2021-2022 Nebraska State FFA Officer. She led a variety of workshops with students about FFA, CDEs, LDEs, employment skills and teamwork.
almost 3 years ago, Evey Choat
The seventh-grade class is reading "The Lightning Thief" in English.
almost 3 years ago, April Gaedke
Group Reading Time
Junior High and High school spring sports pictures are today. If you need to order, you can order online at www.nebraskaportraits.com and go to SV Mavericks.
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
We will ease into this week. Kindergarten round up tomorrow! Please let anyone know to come join us! Come to our State Speech send off on Thursday, at 12:50!
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
March 15th is Kindergarten roundup at MCS! Please share this with all of your friends! We would love for you to join us!
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
Happy snowy winter break! There have been some changes to our school calendar that will affect our elementary students and families. We will not have school for the elementary on March 21 and March 28. These days are professional development for our elementary teachers. On March 28th, we will be providing CPR course for our Juniors and Senior. This is a graduation requirement and they need to be present this day. Please contact Mrs. Florea with any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
Thank you school board for a wonderful afternoon of fun! These are just a few pictures of today, but I will post more on Facebook.
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
balloon stomp
Good afternoon! Tomorrow, our school board will be providing pizza for lunch for the students. We will be running our schedule a little different, so lunch will be at 11:20 for everyone tomorrow. Also, we have winter break starting Wednesday, March 9 to Monday, March 14. School will resume March 15. Daylight savings will also start on Sunday, March 13th!
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
A slow week at MCS. Winter Break this week, no school on Wednesday-Monday, March 9-14. Daylight Savings time starts Sunday, March 13. Spring forward!
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
The McPherson County Speech Team competed in the 2022 District Speech Tournament yesterday. We should be proud of all our students and their perseverance. This year, these students had a rough start dealing with sickness and other obstacles along the way. Every team member medaled except one this year, and the student who did not medal worked extremely hard and just missed it by a couple of points. Saige Phelps received third in serious prose, and she will be representing our school and speech team at the state speech competition this year. District Results: Serious Prose: 3rd place- Saije Phelps OID: 5th place- Katherine Anderson, Brooklynn Fisher, and Isaac Goosey
almost 3 years ago, April Gaedke
Saije Phelps -3rd Place Serious Prose
Duet Acting
Katherine Anderson, Brooklynn Fisher, & Isaac Goosey- OID 5th
FFA members are competing today at District CDEs!
almost 3 years ago, Evey Choat
Brooklynn Fisher
Any youngsters and their families looking for an excellent school to enroll in Kindergarten, come join us for Kindergarten Roundup on March 15th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Option enrollment deadline is March 15th!
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
Great job to the Quiz bowl kiddos at MNAC. They went 3-3.
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
Big week for our students. Quiz bowl, FFA, and Speech have a big week ahead. Early dismissal for teacher PLC on Wednesday.
almost 3 years ago, Kami Florea
District Speech Tournament Info: *Thursday, March 3rd, We will be leaving the high school at 6:50 a.m. *North Platte kids will be picked up at Cody Park at 7:20 a.m. *Remember to bring money for food or a sack lunch *Please dress professionally
almost 3 years ago, April Gaedke
Speech Team
National FFA Week: The FFA served a pancake and sausage breakfast to all staff and students and a couple school board members!
almost 3 years ago, Evey Choat
Maxwell Wildcat Speech Tournament Info: *February 26th, we will be leaving the high school at 6:15 a.m. *North Platte kids, we will pick you up at Cody Park at 6:45 a.m. *Remember to bring lunch money or sack lunch *Dress professionally
almost 3 years ago, April Gaedke
Speech Team 2022
National FFA Week: Friday-National FFA Wear Blue Day. The dress up winners were Kinnley Powers and Klaire Ward!
almost 3 years ago, Evey Choat
7th grade
8th grade
National FFA Week: Majority of students participated in the ag olympics relay! Fun and lots of laughter was had by all!
almost 3 years ago, Evey Choat